
String Template in Java 21

What is String Template?

String Template is a process of substituting values of variables into placeholders in a string. In the past, we relied on string concatenation to format output for print statements. 

System.out.println(arr[i] + " " + "From for loop");

Now this will change from Java 21 as String Template is here. String templates offer a more elegant approach by letting you embed expressions directly within the string. This improves readability and maintainability of your code.

Example 01 - using STR format

package dev.shiva.core.string;
public class StringTemplate {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String name = "Shiva";
        String email = "";

        System.out.println(STR."Hello, this is \{name} and my email address is \{email}");
  • Focus on the placement of the STR template processor within the string literal. It acts as a signal for the Java compiler to treat the following text as a template.
  • Notice the placeholders {name} and {email} embedded within the string. These will be replaced with the actual values of corresponding variables during template processing.

Here is the output: Hello, this is Shiva and my email address is

Example program demonstrating String Template

Advantages of String Templates:

Readability: String templates improve code readability by embedding expressions directly within the string. Type Safety: Expressions within templates are evaluated at runtime, ensuring type safety. Flexibility: String templates can incorporate complex logic and expressions.

Note: Update your JDK 21 before trying string template.